
( Note : Specific details of individuals depicted below have been altered for full anonymity. See upcoming article about "Levels of Anonymity in Medicine.") Lately, it seems all I do is scuttle to and fro around the hospital: Emergency room, operating room, clinical wards, emergency room, and so on. A mental checklist reels and menaces in my head, always brimming and never complete. Then, as I scurry from Emergency to the OR, anxiously praying to do things well and on time, I glimpse outside through the vast hallway windows : Mountains stretch the horizon, leaning to kiss low-hanging clouds that blend with the sun into a golden vanilla foam. An elderly man sits by the piano next to an elevator, playing Segovia on his guitar for patients and visitors. A boy in a hospital gown walks by with his therapy dog German Shepherd. His mother beams proudly, smiling with cautious relief ("I'm so glad he is doing better now.") With the mountains, the music, and the bo...