Day 5: Changes

When you enter a hospital as a resident for the first time, your world changes. You become a child again - the environment is new, and you must learn quickly just to survive. Orientation is over, and I am on my second clinical day. Incisions have been made and closed. Just a month ago, I delivered food. It seems like ages. Every place has its quirks and politics. I'm not much of a politician. My continued existence here is uncertain, as I am contracted for one year. It's a tryout. What happens after this year lays only slightly in my hands and is left mostly to the vagaries of fate. It is nice seeing fellow residents engaging in banter and enjoying their categorical positions, and I admit to being slightly envious that they have it all figured out. At the very least, they have job security. The flood of emotions from one day to the next is overwhelming. On my first clinical day, I felt like I was back at home where I belonged, assisting in operations and acting as a doct...